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This is both for the Guide Dang It! treasure acquisition


Back then it was pretty much equivalent to “City slicker” or “Dandy”, and meant someone from an urban environment trying to play cowboy. (It is still used this way when referring to a “dude ranch”.) Its use as a term of affection only goes back as far as The ’60s. An unintentional one occurs with the pronunciation of the word “gigawatt” . The director’s commentary notes that they were unaware that the word is pronounced with a hard “g” sound, hence the use of the pronunciation “jiggawatt” in the film.

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Celine Cheap After the End: The history happens five years after Third Impact. In a very Fist of the North Star fashion, the world is in ruins, scavengers inhabit the ruins and wastelands, and warlords fight over the control of what little is left. A God I Am: Daniel sought to ascend to godhood to have power enough to make a positive change on his world. Alien Sky: The wildly different stars and constellations and the ringworlds shifting across the sky kind of hinted that Shinji and Asuka had arrived at a different planet, galaxy and dimension. Aliens Speaking English: Avaloni people not even come from the same dimension that Shinji and Asuka were born in; still they talk to both pilots in Japanese, German, English, Latin or whatever idiom they feel more comfortable using. Justified since they have pretty advanced idiom teaching technology. All Psychology Is Freudian: Played for laughs. When Ching tells Shinji she wants to talk about his father issues and counsel him she begins their talk by paroding Freud, donning glasses, a pipe and asking him about his father with a bad German accent:”No, last night I think she’ll talk to you about soon, but you’ll really have to ask her. I wanted to talk to you for your own sake. I know your relationship with your father is hmm complicated, to put it mildly? And the recognition that you’re more like him than you thought hit pretty hard yesterday, correct?” Celine Cheap.