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Beergasm: Brian Alt The Bear: What Patrick considers Michael


The website and podcast can be found here Contains example of: A Chat with Satan: He does leave messages. Aborted Arc: They ran Kid Nation and The Apprentice podcasts. Kid Nation got canceled, and the hosts stopped with the first Celebrity Apprentice. A House Divided: Whenever Michael and Marji disagree. Which is fairly often. Analogy Backfire: Michael throws out quite a few analogies. This tends to happen with a few of them. Angrish: Mike’s earlier rants used to devolve into this from time to time. He seems to have mellowed outover the years. Armchair Psychology: They jokingly do this from time to time. Marji balances him outwith her love of James and Colby. Beergasm: Brian Alt The Bear: What Patrick considers Michael to be. Berserk Button: Michael can’t stand it when women on Survivor act like “princesses”. Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Michael. Just. Michael. Call In Show: There’s one released almost every Sunday. Every message is played. Chivalrous Pervert: Michael Deadpan Snarker: Marji. Distracted by the Sexy: Michael AND Marji. Drinking Game: Take a drink whenever Russell Hantz is mentioned, or whenever the hosts go off topic. Even the Guys Want Him: Or at least, Michael can appreciate certain male Survivor’s forms. Felony Misdemeanor: Marji’s reaction to Mike chewing or breathing into the microphone, peanut butter, ice cream as a reward. Hamto Ham Combat: Dan versus Kiwi Scott. I Needa Freaking Drink: A particularly bad episode of Survivor can drive the hosts and callers to this. The Faceless: While Michael has appeared on the webcam, Marji has not. Large Ham: Michael, Kiwi Scott, Dan, “Satan” Cheap Celine Bags. Only Knownby Their Nickname: Many of the callers, such as Doctor Doom, Kiwi Scott, and Super Muffin Girl. Out of Character Moment: Occasionally, the hosts switch places. Michael becomes the calm one, and Marji rages. Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Michael’s view on Russell Hantz, Brandon Hantz. Red Oni, Blue Oni: Michael and Marji, somewhat. The Roast: Happened in Summer 2011. It was awesome and hilarious. Self Deprecation: Michael may dish a lot of crap out, but a lot of it is to himself. Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb: Mike’s view on a lot of the younger Survivors.

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