Daily Archives: 17 maggio 2014

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Already indicated a degree of flexibility, I think a very sensible, very balanced degree of flexibility, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC. Not trying to blow up the world. Signalled other trade actions could be in the works. SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileThe judge who presided over the manslaughter trial of a Minnesota police officer acquitted in the fatal shooting of black motorist Philando Castile took the unusual step of writing to the jurors to tell them that he supports them despite widespread criticism of their verdict.”I write to reassure you that you faithfully fulfilled the difficult task you were asked to undertake,” Ramsey County District Judge William Leary III said in his letter to the jury, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported Tuesday.The judge told jurors he was not providing his own opinion of St. Anthony officer Jeronimo Yanez’s actions during the fatal traffic stop last July in the St. Paul suburb of Falcon Heights, but wanted to convey that their verdict “was fully supported by a fair interpretation of the evidence and the law you were obligated to apply.”Reached Monday, Leary issued a short statement to the newspaper that said, “I appreciate your interest, but I don’t believe any discussion would be of any additional value.”The verdict on June 16 sparked a rally at the state capitol, which gave way to a march through St.

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