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Rob Gronkowski only tight end in NFL history


Rob Gronkowski only tight end in NFL history with five seasons of at least 10 TDs. LB Jamie Collins led New England in tackles for second straight season, hurt back in win over Chiefs. WR Julian Edelman has 52 catches for 554 yards and two scores in past six playoff games.

Trump kept pushing. In one of several tweets on the subject, he said that the initial demonstrations showed solidarity for our National Anthem, and that with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable. Bad ratings. But he later added, fans should never condone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their Country. NFL should change policy!

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Analysis: Seahawks trade for the third time, adding another sixth round pick. Jags get help for the offensive line and new running back Leonard Fournette. Robinson has tape galore against SEC edge talent either playing in the NFL or who soon will be. The tape shows a player with the traits and physical ability to be a good NFL tackle, but his men Kobe Bryant Jersey balance issues and inconsistencies as a pass protector are a concern. Robinson is a candidate to be overdrafted due to the position he plays and his size, but buyer beware nfl jer as some of his deficiencies might not be easily correctable.

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Kendall Wright, Deonte Thompson and Kevin Whi


Kendall Wright, Deonte Thompson and Kevin White all did a nice job blocking on the edge for the running game. White had a drop before he left with an injury and ran a poor route when Glennon looked his way on a curl. Thompson and Bellamy came up with big catches in the fourth quarter and Wright is going to be a solid slot option.

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